(20.12.1978, Amsterdam, NL; modified 7.1981, Gießen, FRG; 24.07.1993, Copenhagen, DK; 05.09.2005, Frankfurt, Germany; 27.08.2009, Strasbourg, France and XX.8.2011, Oxford, UK.
Article I.1
The European Biological Rhythms Society was originally constituted as the European Pineal
Study Group in Amsterdam on November 22, 1978 and was extended to the current form in
September 5, 2005. The EBRS aims to promote research on biological rhythms – in its
broadest sense – in Europe by …
a) … facilitating interactions and collaborations between different scientists, teams, and
institutions working on biological rhythms;
b) … propagating the importance of Biological Rhythms Research to scientists outside of
our field, to the general public and to funding agencies;
c) … providing education and training to postgraduate and postdoctoral students,
d) … sending out periodically a newsletter to all members,
e) … organising regular conferences or symposia on biological rhythms,
f) … all other legitimate means that will help the society to attain its objectives.
Article II.1- Members, Board, and General Assembly
EBRS consists of ordinary members, emeritus members, supporting members and honorary
members. All members are invited to take part in the biannual General Assembly (see Statute
IV). The activities of EBRS are governed by the Board (see Statute III).
Article II.2 - Ordinary members
All scientists, actively researching Biological Rhythms, may apply for ordinary membership.
Applications for ordinary membership must be accompanied by a recommendation of at least
two current ordinary EBRS members and have to be approved by the EBRS Board by a
simple majority.
Rights and duties of ordinary members:
a) Ordinary members may attend all congresses and symposia organised by EBRS;
b) Ordinary members may present papers or show posters at the congresses and symposia;
c) Ordinary members may attend the General Assembly and have full voting rights in its
d) Ordinary members have the right to be elected as members of the Board;
e) Ordinary members shall pay a biannual membership fee; its amount being based on a
proposal by the Treasurer and decided by the General Assembly.
Article II.3 - Emeritus members
An ordinary member who has retired can apply to the EBRS Board for Emeritus status. The
Board’s decision will be based on a simple majority.
Rights and duties of emeritus members:
a) Emeritus members may attend all congresses and symposia organised by EBRS;
b) Emeritus members may present papers or show posters at the congresses and symposia;
c) Emeritus members may attend General Assembly but have no voting rights in its
d) Emeritus members cannot be elected as members of the Board;
e) Emeritus members are exempt from paying a biannual membership fee.
Article II.4 - Supporting members
Supporting members are persons or representatives of organisations either regularly
contributing the biannual fees or having given at least one substantial donation to EBRS. A
substantial donation is considered to exceed 30 biannual fees.
Rights and duties of supporting members:
a) Supporting members may attend all congresses and symposia organised by EBRS;
b) Supporting members may present papers or show posters at the satellite symposium
they organize in conjunction with the Congress for which they pay the conference fees;
c) Supporting members may attend General Assembly but have no voting rights in its
d) Supporting members cannot be elected as members of the Board;
Article II.5 - Honorary members
Members can suggest the nomination of Honorary members. The applications should be made
to the Board and if the Board agrees, a proposal will be made to the next General Assembly,
which will decide by simple majority. Honorary members can be ordinary members or
emeritus members of EBRS, but also non-members, who distinguished themselves in the field
of Biological Rhythms or closely related fields.
Rights and duties of honorary members:
a) Honorary members may attend all congresses and symposia organised by EBRS;
b) Honorary members may present papers or show posters at the congresses and symposia,
if they pay the conference fees;
c) Honorary members may attend the General Assembly but have no voting rights in its
d) Honorary members cannot be elected as members of the Board;
e) Honorary members are exempt from paying a biannual membership fee.
The activities of EBRS are governed by the Board, which is responsible to the General
Article III.1 – Composition of the Board
The Board consists of the president, the vice-president, the secretary, the treasurer and six
ordinary members. The president, the vice-president, the secretary, the treasurer and four of
the ordinary members must be working as scientists in a European country, but do not
necessarily have to have European nationality. Two additional Board members are selected
from ordinary members, who do NOT work as scientists in a European country. The Board is
supported by an Advisory Board, which consists of former presidents.
Article III.2 – Election of the Board
All board members will be elected – upon the proposal of a nominating committee – by ballot
of the EBRS members, who have voting rights by simple majority. The nominating committee
consists of the acting president and vice-president, and three ordinary members of the society.
Article III.3 – Term of the Board
All Board members, including president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer are elected
for a period of four years. The vice-president will become president, after one four-year term
for the next period. Except for the president/vice-president, all Board members may be re-elected and may serve as secretary or treasurer for more than one term.
Article III.4 – President
The president is the legal representative of EBRS. On consultation with the president, the
vice-president may act as such. The vice-president will become president in the event the
president cannot fulfil his/her function. The EBRS Board can impeach the president before
the end of his/her term by a two-third majority.
Article IV.1 - General Assembly
The Society shall meet in a General Assembly once every two years in conjunction with the
biannual EBRS conferences. For special reasons, the President, with the consent of the Board,
may summon an extraordinary session of the General Assembly; the President shall also call
such a session at the request of one-third of the members.
Article IV.2 – Agenda of the General Assembly
The agenda for any session of the General Assembly shall be drawn up by the Board and sent
to all members at least one month prior to the date of the Assembly. Business matters not
included in the agenda shall not be discussed in the General Assembly, save with the consent
of at least two-thirds of the members present.
Article IV.3 – Voting procedures of the General Assembly
At the General Assembly, questions of scientific or administrative nature shall be decided by a
simple majority of votes of the ordinary members present and voting. In the case of a tie, the
vote of the President decides.
Article IV.4 – EBRS Congress
A scientific congress will be organised at biannual intervals in a European country. The
biannual congress is a scientific meeting of an interdisciplinary character. Participants are
EBRS members or scientists involved or having been involved in research pertaining to
different fields of biological rhythms. The organisation of the EBRS congresses will be the
responsibility of a local committee, which is selected by the Board. The chairman of the local
committee will be an EBRS member and will be responsible for the scientific programme.
The current President has the first right to act as chairman of the local committee.
Article IV.5 – EBRS Symposia
Scientific meetings can also be symposia (pertaining to a special field of biological rhythm)
organised by EBRS members. Such symposia can be organised at irregular intervals on the
request of 20 EBRS members. In exceptions, symposia can also be organised in a non-
European country by EBRS members. The Board decides by simple majority about the
suggestions for Symposia and may support members organising such symposia.
Article V.1
The revenues of EBRS consist of:
a) the bi-annual membership fees of the ordinary members;
b) grants from governments, governmental and non-governmental organisations, and
persons supporting the activities of the Society;
c) annual contributions or donations of supporting members;
d) interest from capital.
Article V.2
The treasurer shall prepare a budget estimate for the period between the two General
Assemblies. The General Assembly shall appoint two members of those present to audit the
accounts, presented by the treasurer.
Article V.3
Ordinary members whose membership fees have been in arrears for four consecutive years
shall, after due notice from the treasurer, be regarded as having resigned from the EBRS. In
special cases, the Board may decide to depart from this rule.
Article V.4
Funds derived from donations shall be used by the Society in accordance with the expressed
wishes of the donors, if any. Funds not specially earmarked by the donors shall be added to
the general funds of the Society.
Article VI.1
The General Assembly may draw up regulations relating to the conduct of its business,
including delegation of powers to the members of the Board, on all matters not provided for
in the Statutes.
Article VI.2
Amendments to the present Statutes may be proposed by the Board or by at least twenty of
the ordinary members. For adoption by the General Assembly, an affirmative vote of two thirds of the ordinary present and voting is required. An amendment that fails to pass the first
time may be subjected to a vote by mail (postal or electronic), resubmitted to the next
following General Assembly and adopted if it gains two-thirds of the total votes cast either by
mail or in person.
Article BL-I.1
The President is charged with the conduct of the Board meetings and of the General
Assembly. In his absence, the vice-president shall be designated as the alternative. In
emergencies, the President is entitled to take action, in consultation with one of the other
Board members, subject to the approval of the next Board meeting.
Article BL-I.2
The secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society, keep the files,
organize and convene the meetings of the Board and the General Assemblies, and record the
minutes of the Board meetings and of the General Assemblies. At the General Assembly,
he/she shall deliver a report on the activities of the Society during the past two-year period.
Article BL-I.3
The treasurer shall control, under his/her personal responsibility, all financial resources of the
Society. He/she shall collect the membership fees and donations, and invest the funds in
consultation with the Board. In the General Assembly the treasurer shall deliver a financial
accounting of the past two-year period with supporting evidence, and give budget estimates
for the next period between two General Assemblies. For expenditures other than those
provided for in the budget estimate he/she will need the authorization of the Board.
Article BL-II.1
The minutes of the Board meetings shall be sent to all members of the Board. They shall be
submitted for approval at the next Board meeting. The minutes of the General Assemblies
shall be sent to all members of the Society. They shall be submitted for approval at the next
General Assembly.